Writing and Directing

Lamb as writer and director

“Linna Carter and Carmen Scott star in this very fun film that sees Sam and Maria (Carter and Scott) talk through the rumors and issues of the relationship of two friends as they wait for them to arrive. As the conversation evolves, it also becomes about Sam and Maria themselves, highlighting some of their issues and concerns, all while waiting for the main course, a rack of lamb, to finish cooking. It’s a great film that explores couple dynamics in a very interesting way, while keeping it as a simple bottle film. Excellent work by the cast and by writer/director Lynna Yee.”

Reviewed by Russ Pirozek/Bixpix TV News

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Bad Sponsor as writer and director

An adaption of a irreverent film-script to the stage for Hollywood Fringe 2018. One black-box theater, 13 actors, and over 50 scene changes, all in one 90- minute thrill ride.

“…a fun carousel ride with plenty of laughs.”
-Jeffrey Gold, playwright/composer

“Fun concept. The humor is unapologetic, and the material hits home for some of us long time Hollywood Dreamers”
–Fringe audience member

“Exciting theatre… we’ve heard [the story line] before but this production really nails it…”
-Donald Watson, Certified Hollywood Fringe Reviewer

 “…the brilliant use of audience as participants in twelve step meeting.” 
-Anonymous Certified Hollywood Fringe Reviewer

“…If one is ensconced in 12-step world (as I am) the experience is both hysterical and uplifting. I howled with laughter through the play, much like I howl through my own recoveries.”
-Anonymous Certified Hollywood Fringe Reviewer

“…Watching the play was as potent as my last LSD trip, but kinder and more spiritually satisfying.
I bow to the entire creative team behind this show: the splendid writers and director, as well to the wildly talented cast…” 

Anonymous Certified Hollywood Fringe Reviewer